Rehan Riaz Merchant Gives Nine Heart-Healthy Fitness Tips

Health & Fitness

Rehan Riaz Merchant an exercise guru comes with tips for your heart-healthy fitness. If you wanted to start your exercise from today, remember to follow Mr. Merchant’s 9 tips. These will definitely help you to get the maximum out of your exercise and make yourself healthy and fit.

No doubt about it: Starting an exercise program can be tough. But it’s equally difficult to deny the proven benefits of regular exercise, from a healthier heart to a better shape. So drop the excuses, don your sweats and get moving! These tips can help make it easier.

Put your goals in writing. That’s the basic Goal you should follow says Rehan Riaz Merchant You’re more likely to stick to an exercise program if you know what you want to accomplish and write it down, says exercise physiologist Peter Snell, Ph.D., assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Centre at Dallas. “Start keeping a workout log,” he suggests. “The log will be a record of what you’ve accomplished and will help keep you on track.”

Find a workout you enjoy. From fencing to in-line skating to yoga, there’s a wealth of fitness options that you may not have considered. So explore the alternatives. “When you’re having fun being

Go at your own pace. “Don’t adhere to the adage ‘No pain, no gain,” says Dr. Sedlock. “Do what you’re capable of doing. You’ll find that exercise becomes easier and easier.”

Schedule a “happy hour” for exercise. “If you commit to working out at a particular time and place, you’ll have a greater chance of meeting your goals,” says Dr. Rippe. Try taking an aerobics class that meets during your lunch hour, for example. Or enjoy a brisk walk after dinner.
“Work out with a friend who’s at a similar fitness level, suggests Rehan Riaz Merchant”

Vary your activities-walking on Monday, cycling on Wednesday, a round of golf on Sunday, and so forth. If you walk regularly, “give yourself a change of scenery by varying your walking route,” advises Dr. Rippe. Should you grow weary of your regular Tuesday night step class, drop in on that Friday-night funk aerobics class you’ve been meaning to try.

Adapt to the weather. “In cold weather, dress in layers that you can remove as your body heats up,” says Dr. Rippe. In warm weather, he says, wear loose clothing and drink lots of water before and during your workout. In stormy weather, try walking on an indoor track at the health club or at the mall.

Add more activity to your day. At work, you might forgo your mid-morning coffee break and go on a short walk instead. Or resolve to take the stairs instead of the elevator at least once a day.

Reward yourself for meeting your exercise goals. Buy a new shade of lipstick or a new tie, Splurge on some new workout gear. “Even a hot bath can be a reward,” says Dr. Rippe.